A true California native, I have lived all over this culture clashed state. But alas, my heart still lies in my Los Angeles.  

I have re-energized a dormant passion that I let lie low for too long. I have re-awaken a fascination for researching how a body and mind can benefit from a kleaner diet and genuinely enriching experiences. My passions lead me to discover and share tasty and simple recipes such as healthy alternatives to the classics, alternative products, and restaurants, no matter your preferences. I continue to grow my arsenal, not just for the betterment of my health and happiness but for the benefit of others. My hope is to help people become more informed about the plethora of options beyond frozen lean cuisines, generic multi-vitamins, and stale corporate gyms.

I want to help inspire and empower people no matter where they are on their journey. My path began with a degree in advertising and has evolved to include much more. We always have the ability to pivot, incorporate and push forth.

My two worlds have collided. As a marketer, I'm a pro at making people see what I want them to see. As a nutritional enthusiast, I help people see their way through the labyrinth of hypnotizing packaging, seemingly harmless ingredients, and the trance that is our everyday experience with food.

Diet is only part of a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle. My journey to healthy living has been enhanced by regular yoga practice, movement in any form, laughter, and adventures that push me outside my comfort zone. A goal I set out in 2013 changed the course of my life—something as cliche as a yoga training retreat in Chacala, Mexico.

While my journey started with nutrition, it has expanded to animal rights and agricultural/environmental issues plaguing our world. Excellent books, blogs, documentaries, and organizations have helped shape my understanding.

Having a 9-5 job while trying to maintain the work, life, and healthy-living balance is a challenge everyone faces. I plan to take the apprehension out of the process and make it possible for others to find a more straightforward path.

Twelve years ago, I could not have predicted the health movement would come as far as it has and that it would break down so many barriers - but it has. We still have more to do, but that's ok because with a bit of enthusiasm, a thirst to learn, and the pure joy I experience when bringing new, fascinating tidbits to all that will listen, people will continue to raise a curious eyebrow and find their simple truth.