Sunfood Sun Wrap

There are days when cashew cream slathered on bread sounds mighty delicious and then there are days (more often than not) where something fresh and green makes my body swoon. 

In this recipe I’m bringing together a refreshing, nutritious, DEFREAKNLIOUS green salad and a gluten-free, NON-GMO, low calorie, Sunfood Coconut Wrap that'll leave you swooning for days. 

Aside from the surprising amount of flavor this wrap packs, it’s perfectly filling–leaving you pleasantly satisfied versus couch ridden. 

Sun Wrap

  • ½ cup chickpeas
  • 1 ½ cup chopped spinach
  • ½ cup homemade or store bough cabbage kraut* (see below) 
  • 2 chopped green onions
  • 1 ½ Tbsp of Sunfood Hemp Seeds
  • ¼ squeezed fresh lemon 
  • ½ mashed avocado
  • 1 Sunfood Coconut Wrap

- In a large bowl mix your chopped spinach, onions, chickpeas, cabbage kraut (you can add 1 tsp of liquid from the kraut if you prefer a little more tang), hemp seeds and mashed avocado.
- Next, cut the lemon in half (or quarters depending on your preference) and squeeze it over the salad. 
- Mix well. 
- Place 1 coconut wrap onto a plate and begin to place your salad on half, close to the edge. 
- After the salad is placed, begin to tightly roll your wrap. Don’t be afraid to help your wrap along by continually pushing the salad under each roll. This will make it less likely for your wrap to fall apart later. 

*Now let’s discuss Kraut
On top of being highly nutritious, kraut tastes fantastic! It was the perfect additional tang and texture I was looking for when I envisioned this dish. As well, it couldn’t be easier to make. Sure, the prep takes a few days, but afterwards you’ll be swimming in homemade kraut–ready to be eaten on its own or in a dish. The combinations are endless and the benefits immense. 

Here is a quick tutorial on making your own by The Kitchn. If you’re looking for something even quicker some of my favorite brands are Wildbrine, Farmhouse Culture and even Trader Joe’s. Yes, even Trader Joe’s has jumped on the bandwagon with their very own and I can attest, it’s delicious!
