The Quickest of the Quick Energizing Morning Oats

The Quickest of the Quick Energizing Morning Oats

I work early. Really, really early.

I need my to-go breakfast to either be made the night before or right before I’m heading out the door so I can consume it at work. I don’t like to stop at Starbucks or something like Starbucks because 9 times out of 10 you usually end up with something void of nutrients, over priced or both.

It should be a last, last minute option if you really have nothing to throw together at home. You know, for those days where 1 of 2 things have either happened.

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Healing Puree

Healing Puree

We are miraculous creatures, we have the ability to feel when our bodies crave healing foods, herbs and minerals. Sequentially, we can then heal ourselves. 
Yesterday I heard mine loud and clear and in turn, I acted. I knew I needed to give my body the nourishment it was craving.

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