What Have You Done for Your Immunity Lately?

What Have You Done for Your Immunity Lately?

I have been a huge promoter of mushroom supplements ever since I went on a two week, fast-paced, multiple flights, 30 kids packed into a charter bus for half the time, international FUN FILLED trip and I was the only one who didn’t get sick.

It's been 4 years since that trip and I still talk about it regularly. I believe in order to promote a product you have to try it, test it, understand it and believe in it. I was my own test subject and I believe in the powers of this super food. 

We share more DNA with mushrooms then we do plants! Crazy sauce.

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Part 1: Traveling Klean | DC/Virginia/West Virginia

Part 1: Traveling Klean  |  DC/Virginia/West Virginia

A trip with my boyfriend back to his hometown of Virginia and to his parent’s current location in West Virginia has become a new tradition that I’ve happily added into my annual holiday festivities.

Last year was my first adventure to a state far different than my own. I was able to experience new surroundings with new individuals–both family and friends– who welcomed me like I was one of their own. I couldn’t have been more thankful. 

Now another year has crept along and I was once again graciously invited back to spend the holidays with his family and to enjoy some time with his friends. This time, we changed it up and added a day trip to DC before heading into West Virginia.

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The Quickest of the Quick Energizing Morning Oats

The Quickest of the Quick Energizing Morning Oats

I work early. Really, really early.

I need my to-go breakfast to either be made the night before or right before I’m heading out the door so I can consume it at work. I don’t like to stop at Starbucks or something like Starbucks because 9 times out of 10 you usually end up with something void of nutrients, over priced or both.

It should be a last, last minute option if you really have nothing to throw together at home. You know, for those days where 1 of 2 things have either happened.

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